
  • ANDRII OLEKSANDROVYCH SEMENOVA Вінницький національний технічний університет


oscillator, chaos, transistor structure, negative resistance, phase portrait


A new scheme of an optoelectronic oscillator of deterministic chaos based on the bipolar transistor structure with negative resistance is proposed. A computer circuitry research of the parameters and characteristics of generated electric oscillations was carried out. The phase portraits of the oscillator, time diagrams, frequency and statistical characteristics of the generated chaotic oscillations are obtained.

Author Biography

ANDRII OLEKSANDROVYCH SEMENOVA, Вінницький національний технічний університет

к.т.н., доцент, докторант кафедри радіотехніки


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Hanias M. P. Simple Chaotic Electronic Circuits / M. P. Hanias, G. S. Tombras // Chapter 4 in Chaos Synchronization and Cryptography for Secure Communications: Applications for Encryption. – Hershey: New York, 2011. – Pp. 68-90.

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Volodymyr Kucheruk. Deterministic chaos in RL-diode circuits and its application in metrology / Volodymyr Kucheruk, Samuil Katsyv, Mykhailo Glushko, Waldemar Wojcik, Tomasz Zyska,Kyrmyzy Taissariyevac, Kanat Mussabekov // Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering. Proceedings Volume 10031, Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2016; 100312A (2016); doi: 10.1117/12.2249253 Event: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2016, Wilga, Poland, 2016. – Pp. 1-8.

Andriy Semenov. Radiofrequency Deterministic Chaos Oscillator Based on a Transistor Structure with Negative Resistance. Numerical Researching / 2017 XI International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT), Kyiv, Ukraine. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. May 24, 2017. – May 27, 2017. – Pp. 343-347.

Andriy Semenov. Modeling the Deterministic Chaos Microelectronic Oscillator Based on the Bipolar Transistor Structure with Negative Resistance / Andriy Semenov, Oleksandr Osadchuk // 2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (UKRCON). Conference Proceedings. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. May 29 – June 2, 2017. Kyiv, Ukraine. – Pp. 704-708.


Ludovico Minati. Atypical transistor-based chaotic oscillators: Design, realization, and diversity / Ludovico Minati, Mattia Frasca, Paweł Oświȩcimka, Luca Faes, Stanisław Drożdż // CHAOS. – 2017. – Vol. 27, 073113 (2017). – Pp. 073113-1 – 073113-13.

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Hanias M. P. Time series cross prediction in a single transistor chaotic circuit / M. P. Hanias, G. S. Tombras // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2009. – Vol. 41. – Pp. 1167-1173.

Hanias M. P. Time series analysis in a single transistor chaotic circuit / M. P. Hanias, G. S. Tombras // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. – 2009. – Vol. 40. – Pp. 246-256.

Hanias M. P. Chaotic Behavior of Transistor Circuits / M. P. Hanias, H. E. Nistazakis, G. S. Tombras // Chapter 4 in Understanding Complex Systems, July 2012. – Pp. 59-91.

Hanias M. P. Simple Chaotic Electronic Circuits / M. P. Hanias, G. S. Tombras // Chapter 4 in Chaos Synchronization and Cryptography for Secure Communications: Applications for Encryption. – Hershey: New York, 2011. – Pp. 68-90.

Hanias M. P. Chaotic operation by a single transistor circuit in the reverse active region / M. P. Hanias, I. L. Giannis, G. S. Tombras // American Institute of Physics, CHAOS. – 2010. – Vol. 20, 013105 (2010). – Pp. 013105-1 – 013105-8.

Hanias M. P. Optoelectronic Chaotic Circuits / M. P. Hanias, H. E. Nistazakis, G. S. Tombras // Chapter 28·in Optoelectronic Devices and Properties, April 2011. – Pp. 631-650.

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Volodymyr Kucheruk. RL-diode generator of chaotic oscillations as resistance - voltage converter | [Generator oscylacji chaotycznych o układzie RL- dioda jako przetwornik rezystancja - napiecie] / Volodymyr Kucheruk,, Zygmunt L. Warsza, Volodymyr Sevastyanow, Wiktoria Mankowska // PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, R. 89 NR 10/2013, 2013. – Pp. 266-269.

Volodymyr Kucheruk. Deterministic chaos in RL-diode circuits and its application in metrology / Volodymyr Kucheruk, Samuil Katsyv, Mykhailo Glushko, Waldemar Wojcik, Tomasz Zyska, Kyrmyzy Taissariyevac, Kanat Mussabekov // Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering. Proceedings Volume 10031, Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2016; 100312A (2016); doi: 10.1117/12.2249253 Event: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2016, Wilga, Poland, 2016. – Pp. 1-8.

Andriy Semenov. Radiofrequency Deterministic Chaos Oscillator Based on a Transistor Structure with Negative Resistance. Numerical Researching / 2017 XI International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT), Kyiv, Ukraine. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. May 24, 2017. – May 27, 2017. – Pp. 343-347.

Andriy Semenov. Modeling the Deterministic Chaos Microelectronic Oscillator Based on the Bipolar Transistor Structure with Negative Resistance / Andriy Semenov, Oleksandr Osadchuk // 2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (UKRCON). Conference Proceedings. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. May 29 – June 2, 2017. Kyiv, Ukraine. – Pp. 704-708.


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Optical-Electronic Devices and Components in Laser and Energy Technologies



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