Differential diagnosis of benign and malignant prostate tumors by polarization-singular Mueller matrix microscopy of polycrystalline blood films
Mueller-matrix polarimetry, differential diagnosisAbstract
The article presents the results of determining the possibilities of polarization-singular approach to improve the efficiency of Mueller-matrix polarimetry in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant with varying degrees of differentiation of prostate tumors. The relationships between the characteristic values of the elements of the Mueller matrix and the polarization-singular L - states of microscopic images of histological sections of the biopsy of prostate tumors and polycrystalline blood films were determined. The technique of experimental determination of distributions of characteristic values of Mueller-matrix images is developed and tested. Statistical criteria for rapid differential diagnosis of histological sections of prostate adenoma and adenocarcinoma with different degrees of differentiation were determined. The operational characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy) of the diagnostic power of the singular polarimetry method are determined.
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