Comparative Analysis of Mathematical and Natural Models in Determining the Coefficient of Aerodynamic Nose Drag
nasal breathing, inhalation aerodynamics, air flow, pressure drop, full-scale model, rhinomanometryAbstract
The paper presents a comparative analysis of mathematical and full-scale models in determining the aerodynamic nose drag coefficient. The aim of the work is to assess the adequacy of mathematical and natural models in determining the aerodynamic nose drag coefficient to assess the possibilities of developing an approach for computer planning of rhinosurgical interventions based on the study of the geometric and functional characteristics of real personalized models of the internal structure of the upper respiratory tract according to the diagnostic data of computed tomography. According to the results of experimental tests of a full-scale model obtained by 3D printing, it is possible to calculate the value of the aerodynamic nose drag coefficient by obtaining the pressure drop values - total losses for the corresponding given air flow rates. The discrepancy between the values of the aerodynamic nose drag coefficients in this case did not exceed 15% and is explained by methodological errors associated with the approaches in calculating the aerodynamic model of the nasal cavity, in particular, the impossibility of taking into account all local disturbances and their mutual influence, and the properties of the plastic surface of the air channels of the full-scale model during experimental tests.
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