Construction spectral signals in different models of theoretical and numerical representation of their bases in polar coordinates


  • A. I. Sehin Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine


spectral analysis, base Rademacher, basis Krestenson, polar coordinate system signal spectrum


The theoretical basis of spectral characteristics of the signal in the polar coordinate system. A comparative analysis of analytical and graphical representation of the typical signals in rectangular and polar coordinates. It is proved the feasibility of the implementation of the spectral analysis of the signal in the polar coordinate system, which provides simplification of the calculations, due to a simple analytical representation of harmonic signals. It is shown that the graphical representation of the spectral characteristics of the signals in the polar coordinates system in comparison with a rectangular, more clearly and better reflect the physical meaning. The spectrum of periodic signals on the entire interval of observation can be easily displayed in a confined space without performing scaling. It is proposed to calculate the spectral pattern signal not only the basis of Fourier, but other number-theoretic bases such as Christenson and Rademacher that for certain classes of signals provide better convergence.

Author Biography

A. I. Sehin, Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Specialized Computer Systems


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How to Cite

A. I. Sehin, “Construction spectral signals in different models of theoretical and numerical representation of their bases in polar coordinates”, Опт-ел. інф-енерг. техн., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 56–69, Jul. 2015.



OptoElectronic/Digital Methods and Systems for Image/Signal Processing



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