Method and Decision Support Subsystem for Mueller-Matrix Laser Polarization Diagnosis of Biological Tissues


  • N.I. Zabolotna Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V.V. Sholota Vinnytsia National Technical University



decision support, biological tissue, Mueller-matrix diagnostics, fuzzy logic


A method and decision support subsystem based on the principles of fuzzy logic for Mueller-matrix polarization diagnostics of biological tissues have been developed. On the basis of statistical, correlation and spectral analysis of invariant Muller-matrix images of biological tissues and their superpositions, informative signs of diagnosis are determined. Mathematical models of functions belonging to the "normal" and "pathology" states of the studied samples for the decisive rule in the system have been developed.

Author Biography

N.I. Zabolotna, Vinnytsia National Technical University

д.т.н., доцент, професор кафедри біомедичної інженерії та оптико-електронних систе


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Abstract views: 81



How to Cite

N. Zabolotna and V. Sholota, “Method and Decision Support Subsystem for Mueller-Matrix Laser Polarization Diagnosis of Biological Tissues”, Опт-ел. інф-енерг. техн., vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 43–52, Dec. 2022.



Biomedical Optical And Electronic Systems And Devices



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