Explore the feasibility study of magnetic stereotaxic system


  • Jiao Hunkun Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  • O. G. Avrunin Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics




Human health, Magnetic field, COMSOL Software, Permanent magnets, Arduino microcontrollers


This paper introduces the magnetic stereotaxis system in detail, and establishes the basic model of the magnetic stereotaxic system in three-dimensional space through the computer simulation software COMSOL, and conducts theoretical analysis and computer simulation experiments on the non-contact control of implants. After that, the slide rail system controlled by Arduino was constructed in actual experiments, and the results of computer simulation experiments were verified. It has also been demonstrated that changing the external magnetic field strength in a magnetic stereotaxic system enables non-contact control of implant movement.

Author Biographies

Jiao Hunkun, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics


O. G. Avrunin, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

D. Techn. Sc.


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Abstract views: 103



How to Cite

J. Hunkun and O. G. Avrunin, “Explore the feasibility study of magnetic stereotaxic system”, Опт-ел. інф-енерг. техн., vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 86–96, Sep. 2023.



Biomedical Optical And Electronic Systems And Devices



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