Classification model of digital coding methods
classification, coding, immunity, corrective property.Abstract
In modern computer applications, efficient processing of digital information requires optimal coding of digital data, especially considering the speed and immunity of processing and transmission of coded information. This work is devoted to the classification analysis of known coding methods with an emphasis on their immunity. Jam-resistant codes play a key role in ensuring the reliability and efficiency of information transmission, as well as ensuring its integrity in critical object processing, analysis and recognition systems. An extended version of the classification model of coding methods is proposed, which uses the basic characteristics of codes according to the algebraic theory of coding. This classification is supplemented among single codes by a single even code, among multi-valued codes by the Fibonacci code, among cyclical codes by a modified Eliez code. In addition, a list of modern cyclic codes is given. From the point of view of immunity, two cyclic codes are considered: a modified Elaies code and a single positional code. A comparison of the corrective properties of the Elaies code, the modified Elaies code and the Hamming code was performed. As a result, it is shown that the modified Elaies code allows correcting triple errors in the rows of the correction matrix and detecting triple errors in the columns of the correction matrix. A comparative analysis of two unit codes, positional and normal with the Hamming code, was made. Therefore, the single positional code, like the Hamming code, is capable not only of detecting, but also of correcting single errors. This functional power of the unit positional code is contained in the way of encoding its combinations in contrast to the Hamming code, in which control symbols are provided.
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