Multiparameter polarization jones matrix reprography and web design of digital images bibrefriction of printing materials


  • O.G. Ushenko Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University
  • O.V. Dubolazov Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University
  • I.V. Soltys Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University
  • O.V. Olar Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University
  • A.V. Motrich Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University
  • M.P. Gorskiy Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University
  • V.G. Zhitariuk Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University



laser, polarization, polymer, birefringence, statistical, correlation, fractal, analysis


A model-design of the polycrystalline structure of polyethylene films is proposed. Within the framework of reprography, a method of statistical, correlation and fractal analysis of the distributions of characteristic values of graphic Jones matrix images of birefringent polyethylene films has been developed. The diagnostic efficiency of determining a set of statistical moments of the 1st - 4th orders, which characterize the distributions of characteristic values of the phase Jones matrix image of polyethylene films in the differentiation of their external mechanical and thermal deformations, has been established.

Author Biographies

O.G. Ushenko, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

D.Sc.,Professor of Optics and Publishing Department

O.V. Dubolazov, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

D.Sc., Professor of Optics and Publishing Department

I.V. Soltys, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

PhD, Associate professor  of  Optics and Publishing  Department

O.V. Olar, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

Ph.D., assistant of the Department of Optics and Publishing and Printing

A.V. Motrich, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

Ph.D., assistant of the Department of Optics and Publishing and Printing

M.P. Gorskiy, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Sciences

V.G. Zhitariuk , Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Optics and Publishing and Printing


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How to Cite

O. Ushenko, “Multiparameter polarization jones matrix reprography and web design of digital images bibrefriction of printing materials”, Опт-ел. інф-енерг. техн., vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 88–95, Nov. 2024.



Systems Of Technical Vision And Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing And Pattern Recognition



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