Analysis of thermal effects during laser coagulation of eye tissues


  • STANISLAV YeVHENOVYCH TUZHANSKYI Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • MARIIA MYKOLAIVNA KhOLODNITSKA Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • MARIIA MYKOLAIVNA KhOLODNITSKA Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • VLADYSLAV SERHIIOVYCH LEPILOV Vinnytsia National Technical University


coagulator, eye tissues, coagulation, eye, thermal action, laser radiation, model


In this paper, a scheme is presented for modeling the thermal interaction of laser radiation with the eye tissues to achieve a minimal effect on the adjacent tissue to the affected area. To predict the thermal effect on tissue, a model was constructed for the distribution of temperature inside it. The main task of the model was to determine the depth of penetration and exposure time that are needed to achieve the desired temperature at which the retina and sclera coagulate. To improve the diagnosis and treatment, the main parameters and characteristics of the ophthalmological coagulator  were calculated and the corresponding results were displayed on the graphs. The use of these results will allow us to optimize the parameters of laser radiation in the area of the affected area of the eye, which will allow us to select specific values of parameters for various effects and tissues of the eye. Namely, finding the required power P of the laser  to achieve a particular temperature T on the surface, a temperature distribution in the interior of the eye, a dependence of the temperature T from the time t, and calculation of the intensity required to reach the melting temperature Тm on the surface when  λ = 810 nm, λ = 532 nm. 

Author Biographies

STANISLAV YeVHENOVYCH TUZHANSKYI, Vinnytsia National Technical University

к.т.н., доцент, доцент кафедри лазерної та оптикоелектронної техніки

MARIIA MYKOLAIVNA KhOLODNITSKA, Vinnytsia National Technical University

магістрант кафедри лазерної та оптикоелектронної техніки

MARIIA MYKOLAIVNA KhOLODNITSKA, Vinnytsia National Technical University

магістрант кафедри лазерної та оптикоелектронної техніки

VLADYSLAV SERHIIOVYCH LEPILOV, Vinnytsia National Technical University

магістрант кафедри лазерної та оптикоелектронної техніки


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How to Cite

S. Y. TUZHANSKYI, M. M. KhOLODNITSKA, M. M. KhOLODNITSKA, and V. S. LEPILOV, “Analysis of thermal effects during laser coagulation of eye tissues”, Опт-ел. інф-енерг. техн., vol. 33, no. 1, Oct. 2017.



Biomedical Optical And Electronic Systems And Devices



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