Improvement of criteria for identification of influence of mobile objects on fiber lights


  • YuLIIA OLEKSANDRIVNA BABII Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України ім. Б. Хмельницького


fiber-optical means of protection, moving object, fiber optic, macro control, reflectometry, attenuation coefficient, optical signal


In the paper, the criteria for identifying the effect of a moving object on an optical fiber are improved. The novelty of the criteria is to take into account the application of simultaneous two-frequency reflectometry of the optical signal in order to identify the formation of a fiber lightguide by the weight of the macrovigine under the influence of the weight of the offender. The criteria are different considering the changes in the attenuation coefficient of the optical signal due to the formation of the optical fiber by the macrovigine, and also taking into account the compliance of the normative value of the weight difference of the offender for two instants of time, the compliance of the normative value of the duration of the offender's exposure to the light guide, and the discrimination of the effect of interference on the lightguide. The application of the criteria has made it possible to improve the immunity of detecting offenders.

The models for estimating the noise immunity of monitoring mobile objects with fiber-optic security devices have been improved. The novelty of the model is to take into account the number and significance of signs of identifying a mobile object as an offender, as well as taking into account the probabilistic indicators of false alarm and signal skipping. On the basis of this, an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio by 15 times is obtained, that is, an increase in the noise immunity of detection is obtained by 50-80% in terms of the relative signal reliability factor, by analyzing the optical signal according to the developed criteria for identifying the effect of a mobile object on the fiber.

Author Biography

YuLIIA OLEKSANDRIVNA BABII, Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України ім. Б. Хмельницького

к.т.н., доцент кафедри зв’язку, автоматизації та захисту інформації


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How to Cite

Y. O. BABII, “Improvement of criteria for identification of influence of mobile objects on fiber lights”, Опт-ел. інф-енерг. техн., vol. 33, no. 1, Oct. 2017.



Fiber-Optical Technologies for Information (Internet, Intranet etc.) and Energy Networks



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