Application of spectrophotometric methods for the study of optical parameters of biotissues


  • J.M. Khomenko Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
  • A.K. Zylharaeva Kazakh National Research Technical University named after KI Satpayev, Almaty
  • S.V. Pavlov Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • O.S. Bezkrevnyi Vinnitsa National Technical University



spectral properties, photometry, transport coefficient, biological tissue


Spectrophotometry as a method is based on the transmission of radiation through the studied sample of registration of scattered radiation. It is shown that the wide functionality of the spectrophotometry method is not fully used in medical diagnostics in vivo. To describe the registered radiation scattered in the opposite direction, the morphological features of cells and tissues were analyzed and the corresponding simplified mathematical solution of the scattering problem based on the refractive index, shape and size of the studied cells and their organelles was selected. the sensitivity of formulas to each parameter is considered. the dependence of the transport scattering coefficient on the anatomical characteristics of the tissue structure at the cellular level is revealed. In modern technical implementation, the method allows to quantify such optical parameters as the absorption coefficient of the transport scattering coefficient, which reflect, respectively, the component composition of chromophores and the value of the integrated absorption of biological tissue.

Author Biographies

J.M. Khomenko, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Ph.D., senior lecturer at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Telecommunications

A.K. Zylharaeva, Kazakh National Research Technical University named after KI Satpayev, Almaty

master, senior lecturer

S.V. Pavlov, Vinnitsa National Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Research

O.S. Bezkrevnyi, Vinnitsa National Technical University

graduate student, assistant of the LOT department


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Abstract views: 422



How to Cite

J. Khomenko, A. Zylharaeva, S. Pavlov, and O. Bezkrevnyi, “Application of spectrophotometric methods for the study of optical parameters of biotissues”, Опт-ел. інф-енерг. техн., vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 52–60, Jan. 2021.



Biomedical Optical And Electronic Systems And Devices



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