Polarization correlometer of phase maps of laser-induced images of supramolecular networks of polycrystalline blood films in the diagnostics of volume of blood loss
laser, polarization, autofluorescence, optical anisotropy, correlation, blood film, blood lossAbstract
. A laser autofluorescence polarization system was developed and experimentally tested, which provides a correlation analysis of phase maps of polycrystalline dehydrated blood films for the express determination of the volume of blood loss. Within the framework of experimental medicine, an experiment was conducted within control and experimental groups of rats with different volumes of blood loss. A set of phase maps was obtained and an algorithm for determining the volume of blood loss was established by calculating the excess of the peak sharpness of the autocorrelation functions. The prospects of using laser-induced autofluorescence polarimetry to expand the functional capabilities of the method and improve its sensitivity at the nanostructural level of supramolecular networks of blood films are noted.
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