Technologies of non-invasive optical methods for determining blood glucose


  • A.K. Zilgaraeva Turan University
  • N.K. Smaylov The university is the oldest technical university in Kazakhstan
  • S.V. Pavlov Vinnytsia National Technical University



diabetes, glucose, non-invasive methods, optical methods


The article studies the development of non-invasive optical methods for determining the concentration of glucose in the blood of patients with diabetes. Early diagnosis and day-to-day monitoring is essential to ensure a healthy life for patients with diabetes. Determining the concentration of glucose in the blood using conventional devices includes a chemical analysis of blood samples that are obtained by pricking a finger or extracting blood from the forearm. The pain, discomfort and inconvenience associated with modern invasive methods necessitated the study of non-invasive measurement methods. Non-invasive monitoring of blood glucose offers several advantages, including the absence of pain and biohazardous materials, the absence of sharp objects, an increase in the frequency of testing and, therefore, tighter control of glucose concentration. Given these potential benefits, the commercialization of non-invasive glucose monitoring devices has become a subject of increased interest. Some optical technologies may provide viable, non-invasive measuring devices. The purpose of this review study was to describe the main optical technologies for non-invasive monitoring of glucose and to compare their advantages and disadvantages.

Author Biographies

A.K. Zilgaraeva, Turan University

магистр, старший преподаватель

N.K. Smaylov, The university is the oldest technical university in Kazakhstan

Ph. D.

S.V. Pavlov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

д.т.н., професор


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Abstract views: 468



How to Cite

A. Zilgaraeva, N. Smaylov, and S. Pavlov, “Technologies of non-invasive optical methods for determining blood glucose”, Опт-ел. інф-енерг. техн., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 55–62, Nov. 2019.



Biomedical Optical And Electronic Systems And Devices



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