Parametric autogenerator transducers for measuring the thickness of materials based on capacitor sensitive elements
transducer, frequency, autogenerator, thickness measurement, measuring capacitor, negative differential resistanceAbstract
The article examines the main characteristics of parametric autogenerator thickness measurement transducers with a frequency output signal. The design of the proposed autogenerator transducers is based on transistor structures with negative differential resistance. Capacitors with round and rectangular covers are used as parametric transducers for measuring the thickness of materials, which are passive elements of autogenerator transducers, which greatly simplifies the design of devices for measuring the thickness of materials. Mathematical models of autogenerator transducers were developed based on the principle of converting the energy of a constant electric field into the energy of an alternating electric field, which made it possible to obtain the conversion and sensitivity functions of autogenerator transducers without using a rather complicated method of obtaining Kirchhoff equations from nonlinear equivalent circuits of parametric transducers. It is shown that the main contribution to the change in the conversion functions and the sensitivity equation is made by the change in the thickness of the measured material, which causes a change in the equivalent capacitance and negative differential resistance in the oscillating system of autogenerators, which changes the output frequency of the autogenerator transducers. The sensitivity of thickness measurement transducers varies from 5.31 kHz/μm to 7.5 kHz/μm in the thickness range from 0 to 500 μm. Autogenerator transducers for thickness measurement with frequency output do not require analog-digital transducers and amplifiers for further processing of informative signals, which significantly reduces the cost of information-measuring equipment, and when working at ultra-high frequencies, it is possible to transmit information over considerable distances.
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